Contact BBTA
Theresa Steel, Customer Service Representative
(925) 743-3080 ext. 178

Parking Policy

These rules apply to all Homeowners, Tenants and Guests. Homeowners of Record are responsible for their tenant’s and guest’s compliance with these Parking Rules.

General Policy: Every home in Ballena Bay Townhouse Association has exclusive use parking spaces available for residents, tenants, and employees to use. These are the available garage, carport and driveway spaces on Tideway Drive and Cola Ballena and the garage, carport and blacktop spaces on Ballena Blvd as more fully described below.

1. Identification of owner/resident vehicles

Each homeowner/resident household will be issued identification stickers, coded with the unit address, which are to be placed in the bottom left corner of the rear window of each vehicle. Their purpose is to identify the vehicle as belonging to a BBTA owner or resident to provide an opportunity for the association and/or towing company to make a best effort to contact the owner of an improperly parked vehicle before the vehicle is towed.


2. Parking for Owners and Residents on Cola Ballena and Tideway

Exclusive use spaces on Cola Ballena and Tideway: The garages/carports and driveways.

Guest Spaces

All spaces along the curbs not marked with red curbing and spaces in cutouts marked with BBTA guest parking signs, may be used for guest parking not exceeding 72 hours provided that a BBTA guest parking placard is hung on the rear view mirror or placed on the driver’s side dashboard. Guest spaces on Cola Ballena and Tideway are for GUEST PARKING ONLY!

Each residence will be issued two (2) Guest Placards. Guest Placards are for guests and not homeowners, residents or regular employee use. Any attempt to circumvent either the letter or the spirit of these rules will be considered a violation of the parking policy and will be subject to towing


3. Parking for residents on Ballena Blvd

Exclusive use spaces on Ballena Blvd: Garage/carport spaces and two spaces on the blacktop area in lieu of driveways for resident use. Each residence will be issued two (2) Resident Placards. These resident placards when hung from the rear-view mirror or placed on the driver’s side dashboard confer unrestricted parking rights in the blacktop area only to any car bearing the placard. Resident placards confer no rights outside of the Ballena Blvd. blacktop area.

Guest Parking on Ballena Blvd: Each residence will be issued two (2) Guest Placards. Guests with Guest Placards properly displayed (hung from rear-view mirror or placed on driver’s side dashboard) may park in the Ballena Blvd. blacktop area if space is available, otherwise Guests must use street parking or Guest Parking spaces on Cola Ballena or Tideway. Priority for parking in the Ballena Blvd blacktop area will be given to owners/residents, so guests may be asked to move their vehicles if there is no space for a resident displaying a Resident placard to park on the blacktop.

4. General Restrictions on Guest Parking

Guest Placards are for Guest parking only. Residents may use guest placards for their own vehicles occasionally – for example when an owner’s guest is disabled and must use the driveway. However, any regular use of a guest placard on one or more owner or resident vehicles, guest placards that are switched between vehicles or any other attempt to circumvent either the letter or the spirit of these rules will be considered a violation. Violations of this policy may result in ticketing or towing . Parking violations by owners and residents may result in the imposition of fines levied by the association. Owners will be held responsible for the parking violations of their guests, tenants and employees. Guest Parking is for guests not residents, owners or daily employees.


5. Guest Parking in Excess of 72 Hours

Guests parking for more than 72 hours require specific approval from a Board member or the community manager. All guests so parked must display a Guest Placard. Proof of special event parking shall be in the form of a note on the dashboard.

6. Guest Parking for Special Events

Special event Guest Parking for more than 2 cars requires specific approval and issuance of an event number from a Board member or the community manager. Proof of special event parking shall be in the form of a note on the dashboard bearing the event number and date. In no case shall an event parking variance be effective for more than 24 hours.

Process for Sections 5 and 6

The community manager or any board member may, without the need for consultation with his/her peers, grant permissions under sections 5 or 6. When such permission is granted the grantor will email the rest of the board and the community manager with the details of the permissions granted so that all are aware of any current exceptions.

Limitations on Sections 5 and 6 – Sections 5 and 6 are intended to permit flexibility in guest parking arrangements. Any misuse of these sections by a homeowner or resident shall be grounds for imposition of a fine consistent with any schedule of fines then currently in effect.

7. The Following Are Not Permitted In Any of the Common Use Areas, Carports or Driveways

  • Sleeping overnight in any vehicle
  • Vehicles with non-current registration or license
  • Inoperable vehicles, partially dismantled vehicles or vehicles under repair 

8. The Following Are Permitted LIMITED Parking In the Common Use Areas and Driveways

Owner, Resident or Guest parking of recreational vehicles including motor homes, campers and trailers, with or without boats, for up to 24 consecutive hours in any 7 day period. If in the common use area, a guest parking placard must be displayed.

9. Reporting Violations

The contracted towing company will patrol the property on a daily basis and is empowered to tow vehicles found to be in violation of these rules. It is also the responsibility of all homeowners to report violations to the community manager. The Board may institute other monitoring of violations if it deems such is required to effectively administer this policy. The Board may grant temporary exceptions to these rules if it deems appropriate and may amend these rules from time to time.

10. Enforcement

The Association will contract with a towing company that will provide signage, monitor for violations and tow vehicles found to be in violation of the parking rules.

11. Issuance of Placards

Two kinds of parking placards will be issued. Red Residence placards for Ballena Blvd. and Blue Guest placards for every home. All placards will be numbered and the numbers published on the website for easy identification of vehicle responsibility.

   Vehicles Bearing Red Owner Placards Vehicles Bearing Blue Guest Placards  
May Park in Ballena Blacktop Spaces    Without restriction  Up to 72 hours and subject other guest parking restrictions
May Park in Guest Spaces on Cola Ballena and Tideway No Up to 72 hours and subject other guest parking restrictions


Full implementation of these policies, installation of signs and issuance of placards will commence in January of 2016.