Contact BBTA
Theresa Steel, Customer Service Representative
(925) 743-3080 ext. 178

BBTADock Replacement Policy

Policy Number: 0210

Adopted by the BBTA Board of Directors May 16, 2002

PURPOSE: To document the existing policy of the BBTA regarding dock replacement cost responsibilities for the Association, Current and Subsequent Lot Owners.

SCOPE: This policy shall encompass issues of Replacement of the twenty (20) dock clusters located within the waterway channel of the BBTA comprising eighty (80) private easements.

BACKGROUND: In 1998 the then-Board of Directors obtained a legal opinion that the Association was not financially obligated to pay to retain owner-extended docks. At the August 1998 meeting “It was moved, seconded and passed to adopt a policy that the Association will replace up to 40ft. of existing dock to a 4.ft. width at the Association’s expense, with the option of replacing longer docks at a stated cost per square foot, based on current bid, consistent with good engineering practice, and at the homeowner’s expense. “.

Although voted and passed, no policy was ever drafted and made part of our governing documents. The following completes the 1998 Board decision to adopt such a policy.


The Association will bear the cost of dock replacement for configurations of fingers up to 40 feet in length and up to 4 feet in width for all units where this condition existed prior to August of 1998.

Replacement of Owner extensions added after August of 1998 will be the responsibility of the current or subsequent lot owner(s) for the amount of extension added after this date.

Any Subsequent lot owner(s) shall be bound by the dock replacement policy regardless if their assigned dock was modified prior to their ownership.