Contact BBTA
Theresa Steel, Customer Service Representative
(925) 743-3080 ext. 178

Rules for Storage in the Common Area

Board Policy 90-1

Adopted: 12 July 1990

Revised: 14 december 1993


CC&R’s Article XI Section 1: “Nothing shall be stored in the Common Area without the prior consent of the Association.” ….. “There shall be no violation of rules for the use of the Common Area adopted by the Association and furnished in writing to the Owners; and the Association is authorized to adopt such rules.”

The Common Area includes all area outside of garages and fences on the land side, and includes landings, ramps and docks on the water side. Consent is hereby granted for all storage that meets the requirements of these rules.

All storage in the Common Area shall be maintained in a sightly, neat and clean condition at all times.

Land Side

Storage is limited to short-term parking of licensed, operable automotive vehicles of non-resident guests of homeowners or occupants in visitors’ parking -spaces. Visitors’ parking spaces are all parking spaces in the Common Area not specifically assigned for the exclusive use of individual residences.

Water Side

Each home is assigned one mooring Slip for Its exclusive use. All other spaces on the dock are for the use and enjoyment of all residences on that dock, as mutually agreed. These areas may be used for temporary guest moorings, temporary mooring by residents on the dock, attachment of small floats for storage of small water craft, or storage on the dock of other marine-related items. Nothing shall be placed or stored on ramps or landings. No owner or resident has a right to permanently moor a second boat outside his assigned mooring slip. nor to lend or rent his assigned mooring slip to a second party.

Any uses of docks shall be such as not to create a nuisance for neighbors, and shall be subject to the reasonable objections of neighbors. Disputes that may arise in connection with these uses shall be mediated by the Board, whose decision shall be final.

Permission for any other storage in the Common Area will be granted only in response to a request by the homeowner or occupant describing the item and the purpose and time period proposed for storage. The Board will consider each such request and issue a permission or denial. Such permission may be revoked at any time If the storage becomes a nuisance to other owners or occupants.

Storage of any boat, vehicle or other item in the Common Area in contravention to these rules shall be corrected or removed when so ordered by the Board, whose decision shall be final. If a condition ordered to be corrected is not corrected or a vehicle. boat, or other item ordered to be removed is not removed the Board may correct the condition or remove the Item at the owner’s expense, or take such other action, including requesting police citation, as it deems appropriate.